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Shortcode that outputs auction template parts


We received many inquries related to visual builders and compatibility with Auctions for WooCommerce. Since it is almost impossible to support all of them natively we had to find solution that is usable in all of those builders. For that purpose we introduced shortcode called auctions_templates – simple way to display auction related template parts with any visual builder that has option to insert shortcode.

Shortcode auctions_templates

Shortcode reference with all possible values:

[auctions_templates template="add-to-cart|pay|bid-form|condition|countdown|max-bid|reserve|auction-sealed|ajax-conteiner-start|ajax-conteiner-end|auctions_seated_progressbar_template"]

This shortcode outputs parts of the auction related templates. So when you build your template using any visual builder for auction product they all have option to enter a shortcode. You then make template structure and insert shortcode blocks where you want countdown timer, auction informations, bid input form, buy now or pay now button. This is even useful for Elementor for which we have native widgets.

Shortcode options

[auctions_templates template="add-to-cart"] - outputs Buy Now button, to display this auction needs 
to have set buy now price, please make sure that if option "Allow Buy It Now after bidding has started" 
is enabled bidding was not started yet

[auctions_templates template="pay"] - outputs Pay for Won Auction button

[auctions_templates template="bid-form"] - outputs bid form

[auctions_templates template="condition"] - displays auction condition info

[auctions_templates template="countdown"] - displays auction timer

[auctions_templates template="max-bid"] - displays user's max bid for proxy auction

[auctions_templates template="reserve"] - displays reserve price

[auctions_templates template="auction-sealed"] - displays if auction is sealed info

[auctions_templates template="ajax-conteiner-start"] - ajax wrapper start, everything enclosed in ajax cotainer 
will work with ajax, like live price update

[auctions_templates template="ajax-conteiner-end"] - ajax wrapper end

[auctions_templates template="auctions_seated_progressbar_template"] - progress bar for seated auctions, 
how many seats are sold


Hopefully this shortocde will make template building via visual editors much easier for our Auctions for WooCommerce users. If you have any issues please open ticket and we will check it for you.